Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween

The sun and I took a break from our normal daily rising this morning.  He stayed behind the clouds all day, and I slept for 12 hours, only taking a break to take the burnable garbage outside when I heard the ice-cream-truck jingle of the garbage truck letting me know the time had come.  Who was I yesterday?  Did the people around me realize I had such sleep potential?  I hope the children from the Wakuwaku concerts are fully enjoying the wakuwaku energy that I gave to them.

And now I have a break to hopefully accrue a little more.  I wonder if the children might allow me to keep a little more of it for myself.  I have some practicing I'd like to do, some rehearsing, some studying.  Several projects on the horizon.  Perhaps in a few days the sun and I will return to our normal programs.

But for now, the dark hazy day and rainy evening has put me in the perfect mood.  I had toyed with the idea of buying a large bag of candy and pretending the doorbell might ring with costumed children, but it seems unlikely.  I've eaten some dark chocolate to mark the occasion, but left the pumpkin Kit-Kats on the shelf.  To all the adults partying in Osaka, and all the children braving the rain and cold to get their sugar fix, Happy Halloween!

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