Friday, November 16, 2012

Words from a Totem Animal

Today I'm feeling the challenge of straddling the distance of space and time.  A conflict between the here and now of my life, and the before and faraway that exist outside of my time in Japan.  There are things that transcend our current situation.  Sometimes we are cold, or hungry, or sick.  Sometimes single or with another person, sometimes living alone or with others, a student, employed or unemployed, rich or scrapping by, happy or discontented.  Places, things, people, states of being–so much can change.  And what carries it through?  What voice, what person, transcends these parts of life?  Can we hear it?  Or is it the search that makes it so?

I am never all of me
unto myself
and sometimes I go slowly
knowing that a sound one sound
is following me from world
to world
and that I die each time
before it reaches me

(W.S. Merwin, from "Words from a Totem Animal")

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