Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Wonka-san and Peter Rabbit

I found a forgotten piece of yesterday in my pocket this evening.  It was something handed to me during the period of the grocery store exchange when I anticipated to be asked if I needed a bag.  Instead I had earned 2 (two) Peter Rabbits.

What is the worth of these two Peter Rabbits?  Perhaps they entitle me to a free pastry.  Or maybe they show that I'm a proud shopper of the Kansai Super, if only I'd display them on my dashboard.  Maybe if I drop them in a slot I can vote for a charity to receive a certain amount of money.  Or what if they are like the Willy Wonka Golden Ticket?  What if I have a once in a lifetime opportunity to see a magical sushi shop with rivers of soy sauce and singing salmon?  And they're sitting in my pocket, misunderstood.  Wonka-san is waiting, his heir lost in a cultural exchange.  

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