Saturday, February 2, 2013

Arrival in Niseko

We are in a cozy winter wonderland.  Through tunnels of snow, winding through the mountains along the edges of lakes, wind blowing; the sun set so early that the true nature of the world outside this fireside oasis is invisible to us.  The meters of snow, climbing higher and higher as we went reminded us of Iceland, of Michigan, of Chicago, of Madison, of personal winters from our past, collecting in this joined experience within a shared taxi.  We arrived to a beautiful hotel, where people wear their robes and slippers to dinner, and gave a concert in front of a fireplace with candles on the mantelpiece.  Such a wonderful experience to share chamber music with this audience.  Something I've not had the pleasure of doing in Japan.  Feeling a thaw in this northern climate.

This morning, in a more southern part of Japan, we shared another, warmer taxi. We felt the cab moving in the direction of our destination but traveling streets unknown to us.  Blindly carried along a familiar cardinal direction, I wondered what it must feel like to know this place like I know my hometown. To be able to improvise directions based on the timing of traffic lights and traffic conjestion, to be given a destination and know the means by which to find it.  Such a different way of knowing a space.  The difference in the earned pleasure of this sort of familiarity and the pleasure of knowing very little.

We boarded a bus two-hour bound for the Osaka International Airport.  And again the luxury of a journey beyond our immediate control.  I stared out the window as we crossed one of the many bridges that covers the bay water, the view an open morning horizon; a moment taken from yesterday and changed into something new.  The beauty of finding a space where anything is possible.

And now we are in Niseko, Hokkaido, Japan, (planet earth) and tomorrow we will depart at 8:30am to see the winter bubble which surrounds us.  Skiing, and two concerts and plans to actually make it to the hotel onsen (collectively too late and too tired tonight).  Amazing what a day can bring....

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