Sunday, December 8, 2013

Concert at the Yoko Tadanori Contemporary Art Museum

We played Haydn's Sunrise Quartet and Ravel's String Quartet at the Yoko Tadanori Contemporary Museum of Art in Kobe today.  After they served us salad and pasta in our dressing room I decided to take a quick walk through the exhibit.  It was so refreshing to look at art again.  I'd forgotten how wonderful it is the let the mind rest in the eyes.

We played our concert in the lobby.  Performing takes practice and this was our first time doing it together.  I would love to keep working with the group, to continue to add to the trust and sensitivity that we have already so quickly established.  I think chamber music in particular has a way of connecting performers that work together over time.  I'm very grateful to the HPAC office for agreeing to add more chamber music concerts at this museum and other venues, to be working with us to augment and enhance our musical experience at HPAC through chamber music.  And I'm very grateful to the other three members of the group that bravely (and crazily) agreed to learn these two difficult pieces in only a week.  The endeavors of living.

While this is self-descriptive, it also happens to be the name of the exhibit.
Bernice, Janis, me, and Keita
(Thanks to Maeda-san for the picture)

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