Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sources of Learning

Recalibrating my center of gravity.  Watching the focus of awareness shift back to myself, my own body and mind.  Such an opportunity to explore the difference in two ways of life, two modes of learning.

This week we are working with an Italian conductor and cellist on a challenging and beautiful program including Saint-Saens Cello Concerto, for which our conductor plays the solo part, and Mozart's Jupiter Symphony.  The full rehearsal schedule is used well as he pushes us to be more together, to phrase as he wishes, to play more in tune, to listen more carefully.  These are things that surely we have all been taught before.  Did we forget, are we unaware, incapable, distracted?  All innocent possibilities that fall into the responsible hands of another- a conductor, or at times a teacher, or maybe a friend.  These people in life that remind us, that teach us things that maybe we already know, or maybe things we've yet to discover.  How much can we expect of ourselves to know what we do, and to know what can be possible?

Sometimes we must be our own teachers.  There are lessons from this sort of relationship with the self.  Of being a leader in whom we can trust, to whom we will listen, which respects the one that follows.  Planning the direction in which we want to go, learning what that inner path feels like and following it.  And then there are the times when we are lucky enough to have another in whom we can trust.  The privilege of having a good teacher or a good friend.  So many ways of learning and growing, back and forth, all together.  So many ways of living in one life.

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